袋除尘: 我公司的袋除尘装置广泛应用于水泥、冶金、矿山、粮食加工等各个行业,为工业方面绿色环保做出贡献!
Three advantage:
1.The unique air-flow separation system according to CFD testing
2.SmartPulse Control system®
Professional R&D department: higher advantages in long –bag technology field
3. High advantages design, the date base will satisfied
The design of different type of bag-filter:
-The maximize length of bag –filter is 12 meters, average is 8 meters.
-Our design select standard, program and module method, increase the design efficiency and accuracy
-Select special plus ash clean system
-Low pressure to clean ash
-Better air-flow distribution system
-Advanced control system
-Satisfied different discharge level
-Easy to maintenance
我公司噪声治理工程业务集研发、咨询、设计、制造、安装为一体,全面提供噪声 治理系统解决方案与技术服务。业务涉及电站厂房、燃气轮机、蒸汽轮机、发电机、 自然与机力通风冷却塔、余热锅炉、烟囱、变压器、调压站、道路与厂界屏障等 各种降噪产品和服务。业务涉及电力、石油、石化、电网、建筑、交通等领域。
噪声治理业务以新技术、新产品研发为龙头,坚持自主创新与联合 研发相结合,与上海交大、美国声与振动研究所、清华大学、中科院声学所、北 京劳保所等科研院所建立了密切的合作关系,共同开展相关降噪技术和产品研发工作。